Sid Thompson

Born 5 February 1947
BWA Hall of Fame Inductee 2021

Sid Thompson’s baseball career began in NSW where he was a true pioneer and blazed the trail for future Australian baseballers to play pro-ball in the US. While playing for NSW at the 1966 Claxton Shield in Adelaide, Sid Thompson’s stellar tournament was rewarded with a contract from the Philadelphia Phillies.

Making the move from Australia to the USA in 1966, Thompson played a season for the Huron Phillies and performed well, earning himself another contract in 1967. Unfortunately, a badly dislocated right ankle led Thompson to decide to stay in Australia and recover.

In 1969, Thompson first played for Australia in a tournament in the Philippines and would again represent Australia in 1970 and in 1975 in South Korea and Japan.

In 1970 Thompson made the move to Western Australia, where he played from the 1970 season through the 1974 season with Wembley as player and manager. In his 4 years at Wembley, they made four grand finals of which they won two. In 1974 Thompson played with his great friend and fellow inductee Don Knapp for the Eagles, winning the 1975 premiership and the batting title with a .565 average.

Sid Thompson played for WA in the Claxton Shield and was part of the 1975 winning Claxton Shield team.

Below is a sample of some of Sid’s achievements:

  • Claxton Shield Champion (WA) 1975
  • 2 x State League Champion (Wembley)
  • 2 x State League Presidents Medal – 1972/73, 1973/74
  • Australian Team Representative 1969, 1970, 1975

“Sid Thompson…what a player he was…he had every attribute of a great baseballer, tall, strong, athletic and charismatic. Sid was in WA for only three or so years coming from a stellar career in NSW and was one of, if not the first Australian to sign a pro contract in the US in the modern era. He was the most versatile player I’ve seen. He could do it all, pitch, catch, hit, run, and did it all brilliantly. A great player and competitor…simply the best.”
Darryl Moyle –  Baseball WA Hall of Fame Inductee 2021

“I was lucky enough to play with Sid in the 60’s and 70’s and what a pleasure it was. Sid was one of the best and most powerful right-handed pitchers of that era and, in my opinion, one of the best in Australia. He had superb ball control and a great variety of pitcher that would baffle and intimidate the majority of hitters. He himself was also an aggressive and powerful hitter, and in the top echelon of his peers.”
Kaye Greenham – Baseball Australia Hall of Fame Inductee 2014

“Sid had star quality as a player. Very charismatic on the field, really knew the game and carried himself well. A great teammate and on-field leader. Commanded four pitches – good fastball, slider, curve, and changeup which behaved a bit like a splitter…he was fun to catch as he had four ways to get hitters out. Could throw breaking balls for strikes when behind in the count – ahead of his time in that regard in Australia. Wicked slider. Handled the bat well and hit for power as well.”
Don Knapp  – Baseball Australia Hall of Fame Inductee 2008