Machine Pitch 70 – Schools

Schools Competition Schedule


  • MP70 format – Machine Pitch using a diamond with baselines of 70 feet in length.
  • One-day events at Baseball Park, Thornlie.
  • Each diamond shall be staffed by Baseball WA (machine operation and umpiring).
  • Each event shall consist of 8 teams. Teams shall be placed into divisions based on school size, playing experience, availability and past team performance.
  • Entry Fee: $100 per team.

(i) Secondary – Students in Year 7 and 8
(ii) Primary – Students in Year 5 and 6

Rules associated with Little League-Majors shall apply except as follows: Squad size of between 10 and 12 players.

  • Teams are responsible for providing all team equipment (including, bats, helmets and gloves) and all players should be uniformed in caps and shirts in uniform school colours as well as long sports pants (track suit pants are adequate if baseball pants are not accessible) and enclosed sports shoes – where a school requires assistance with equipment, Baseball WA will liaise with the local club to access.
  • 70 foot base paths.
    Louisville Slugger BlueFlame pitching machine – front of machine to be 48-50 feet from home plate.
  • 200 foot home run “fence” (cones).
  • No bunts.
  • No walks.
  • Unlimited batting line-up – that is batting order length same size as squad size.
  • No ‘warm up” pitches by machine operators.
  • No mercy rule.
  • The batter is out on the 3rd strike whether caught by the catcher or not.
  • Teams may provide a standard baseball catcher (full protective equipment required) or where necessary the catcher (without catching equipment) may start each pitch safely behind the back-net and may not enter the field of play until the pitch is either (i) hit into play by the batter or (ii) is missed by the batter and needs to be retrieved from dead-ball territory.
  • No player may spend two consecutive defensive innings on the bench
    OFFENSIVE INNING (6 run rule) a. An offensive inning is complete with a 3rd out or a 6th run. The offensive inning will end at the completion of the play where the 6th run was scored. More than the maximum of 6 runs may have been scored during the final play, however only 6 runs will be recorded for the inning. b. This rule will not apply in the 5th or 6th inning (or extra innings).
  • Should a player be given permission by the home plate umpire to be removed from a game due to injury or illness, then the batting line-up closes to fill the gap (no automatic out) and mandatory participation rules will not apply to the removed player.

Machine Settings

  • Speed setting 11
  • Height setting at pin 4
  • Ball lever setting pin 3


  • Baseball WA coaches are available to schools on a fee-for-service basis to provide training sessions in the lead-up to the tournament including as part of Sporting Schools.
  • MP70 format is available to run through the Sporting Schools program.
  • Local clubs will be encouraged to provide additional support to competing schools.